These pictures were taken near the coast of Canada’s Hudson Bay. A polar bear sees sled dogs.
The Polar Bear returned every night that week to play with the dogs… Nature can be a beautiful thing.
These pictures were taken near the coast of Canada’s Hudson Bay. A polar bear sees sled dogs.
The Polar Bear returned every night that week to play with the dogs… Nature can be a beautiful thing.
Recently, I’ve seen coming attractions on TV about a new movie starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman called The Bucket List. From the few snipets I’ve caught, it appears their list contains things they’ve both dreamt about doing before they kick the bucket.
I have a list like that, too, although I never thought to name mine the bucket list. And happily, my list spawned a Done That List. Some things on my “done” list include:
See Paris (a lifelong dream)
Ride in a helicopter
Go parasailing
Snow Ski
Ride a motorcycle, not just any cycle, a “Harley”
Learn how to blog, even when I thought I was “too old” to learn
Then there’s my tattoo. I sport a tiny bluebird of happiness on the inside of one of my ankles. I love birds.
So, I’ve fulfilled some of my dreams, but there are still plenty of challenges left on my Bucket List. Here are a few:
Ride in a Hot Air Balloon
Find out if I really can’t sink in the Salt Lake
Publish a Book
See Redwood Trees-This item, at first glance, might seem somewhat plebian. The fact is, these trees are disappearing quickly, and some people are pretty passionate about keeping them around.
What’s Your Tree is a program inspired by the story and message of Julia Butterfly Hill.Julia Butterfly Hill gained international notoriety when she climbed 200 feet up into an ancient redwood tree named Luna that was slated to be cut down by Pacific Lumber/Maxaam Corporation. She refused to come down until Luna was permanently protected. Withstanding death threats and gale force El Nino winds, Julia lived on a tiny platform in Luna’s branches for 738 days. Julia and her team had successfully negotiated to save Luna and a 3 acre buffer zone around the tree into perpetuity.
(see the rest of the story)
Learn to Paint (don’t have to be good, just have to try)
Hang Glide (parasailing was wonderful, so hang gliding must be spectacular)
See Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Monument
The No Guts List – I have one of them, too. These are things I know I could never muster up the courage to do:
Sky Diving
High Diving
Scuba Diving
Bungee Jumping
Bungee jumping in Normandy, France in Viaduc de la Souleuvre.
Can you even imagine doing this?
My screened-in porch faces two tall trees that are especially attractive to different species of nesting birds, and both trees are used annually for this purpose. One of the trees has a hole in its trunk, the perfect size for a nest. The other tree is particularly inviting to birds that prefer to build outdoor nests high up off the ground using twigs and leaves and stuff.
This year, Red-Bellied Woodpeckers have been flitting in and out of the hole. I haven’t seen the babies yet, but the mom and pop are hard to miss.
This particular woodpecker is the reason I became interested in birds back in 1994. That was the first time I ever saw one. I walked out onto the patio and he was standing by a row of evergreen trees in my backyard, examining his surroundings. At first, I was drawn to him because of his bright coloring. I leaned my elbows on the railing and rested my chin on my fists, and tried to be as invisible as possible. while he conducted a thorough survey of the yard. When he finally flew up into the trees and disappeared within the branches, I was hooked. The very next day, I bought my first bird guidebook.
Since then, I haven’t seen another Red-Bellied Woodpecker, so this year I’m having the time of my life watching and waiting for the birth of new baby woodpeckers.
Now for the rest of the story. (And you thought only Paul Harvey said that.)
I noticed this past weekend that there hasn’t been much bird activity out back. Usually, in addition to the woodpecker nest, there are loads of other birds chirping and flapping from one tree to another — frivolity reigns– at least that’s what it seems like to me, the observer.
However, on Saturday, when I sat on the porch to finish my cup of tea, I missed the frenzied pandemonium. A curious pall had settled in. Then something large flew overhead and cast an enormous shadow on the ground. When it came into view, I realized why things had become so still and quiet. Nesting in the other tree was a Red-Tailed Hawk.
The wing-span on these hawks is colossal.
Being able to observe another nesting pair so closely should’ve given me a warm, fuzzy feeling. Instead, I fretted over “my” woodpecker nest. Would they have to abandon their nest? It appeared every other bird in the neighborhood decided to vacate.
But, so far, the woodpeckers have remained steadfast. Surprisingly, the hawks have kept to their own tree. As the weekend came to a close, both sets of parents appeared to be living in harmony. Still, I ‘m a nervous wreck.
Of course, my woodpeckers are not the only birds in harm’s way. The recent oil spill in the San Francisco Bay left birds suffering with people helplessly watching in despair. For an eyewitness account, visit a blog written by a gentleman who lives in San Francisco.
Since this blog is going to deal with an eclectic array of topics, I thought you might like to know where the topics come from. One of the methods I use to spark an idea comes from my Top Ten List. (No, Dave doesn’t own that idea.)
If you journal or keep a diary, you may find my list helpful.
1. What surprised me this week?
2. What challenged me this week?
3. What tickled me this week:
4. What contented me this week?
5. What did I learn this week?
6. What pained me this week?
7. What angered me this week?
8. What inspired me this week?
9. What entertained me this week?
10. What did I do this week?
As it happens, I had a big surprise this past week. I was waiting for a powerful downpour of rain to abate so that I could walk from my office to the parking garage. I was looking out the window of the 18th floor, when I realized the rain was falling sideways. Maybe you’ve seen this phenomenon before, but I hadn’t. I was studying this odd occurrence, thinking it must be pretty windy out there, when a large piece of plywood flew by the window.
Surprise #2! Plywood flying through the air. (There’s a lot of construction going on in the downtown area.)
The storm didn’t last very long, maybe an hour, but in addition to wrecking havoc at the building sites, it brought down trees and signs. It was a. wild, wicked, wonderful storm that came out of nowhere and left a whole lot of mischief behind.