Hatha Yoga Or A Pedicure

I got it into my head that I should try yoga. Pretty much, the only things I know about yoga are, it’s a form of relaxation, it helps with flexibility, it’s good for one’s balance and it doesn’t require me to bounce around too much.

I had one problem with the yoga class; it’s held at my local hospital for the 55+ gang on Tuesday evenings and, as it happened, I had an appointment to get a pedicure last Tuesday. Pretty much, what I know about pedicures is it’s a form of relaxation, your feet and legs receive a massage and it, too, requires no bouncing.

Hmm. What to choose, what to choose…


Image from

Here’s something to think about from Yoga Informer regarding relaxation.

The eye-catching promise of poise, grace, and flexibility are the common reasons why people—especially females—are being drawn to yoga classes nowadays. Having a similar stance with ballet, more and more people see yoga as a relaxing yet more elegant form of exercise.

But there’s something to be said for the pure pampering of a spa pedicure, too.

It isn’t often that a woman’s feet get to relax. Constantly on the go, with careers, family, and other commitments, the feet often take more than they deserve. Making the time to visit the beauty salon for spa pedicures rejuvenates the feet and keeps them looking their best.

Hmm. What to do, what to do…

I decided to check in on MSNBC to find out what ideas the exercise experts have beeen touting lately:

…new guidelines call for healthy adults to engage in moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity for at least 30 minutes five days each week…

…The new guidelines offered specific advice for people 65 and older, urging them to consider lifting weights, improving their strength to prevent falls, and working on flexibility exercises and balance training.

Okay, I can forget about the weight training. That’s not going to happen anytime soon while I’m dealing with a rotator cuff tear. But there’s that flexibility and balance training again. It’s clear I should give yoga a try. And as an added bonus, if I yoga my heart out for an hour each week, I’m half way to meeting the five day requirement–well, almost.

Being a firm believer in having the best of both worlds, I attended my first yoga class on Tuesday; I rescheduled my pedicure for Thursday. The choice wasn’t so complicated afterall.


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17 thoughts on “Hatha Yoga Or A Pedicure

  1. Pingback:   Hatha Yoga Or A Pedicure by diet.MEDtrials.info

  2. Pingback: ArticlesPR » Blog Archive » Healthy Living: Motivation, Dieting, Yoga, and (hopefully) Success

  3. Frances Ellen Post author

    Actually, I did try yoga and liked it a lot. The relaxation was wonderful. However, with a torn rotator cuff, some of the movements were difficult and painful. After I have the surgery necessary to correct this ailment, I intend to get back to a weekly yoga class. You’re absolutely right, it allows one to put the hectic part of life back in order.

  4. Enrique Ibanez

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  5. Lettie Seager

    Namaste! Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. While visiting South Florida, I had the chance to visit Temple Arts Finess in Davie, FL. They are absolutely fabulous and I had a wonderful experience. The members and teachers were absolutely welcoming. I wish I lived in the area so I could attend regularly. If you are in the area, definitely give them a call and take a class. They have wonderful energy to share and have alot to offer.

  6. Yoga Instructor

    You made the right choice to prioritize your yoga class. It is possible to practice the basic postures you learned during the first session daily. If 30 minutes is too long, try doing 15 minutes in the morning and another 15 in the evening. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


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