10% Ethanol Added To Your Gas – Lovely!

Have you noticed whether your gas station is putting ethanol in their gas? Have you noticed that your gas mileage has decreased?

I get my gas at a Shell station and right there on the front of the pump is a sticker that says, Contains 10% Ethanol. My gas consumption has been rising by leaps and bounds lately, but I’m not driving any more than usual. Actually, because of the gas prices, I’m more selective about where I go and how I get there.

While I was pumping, I looked up at the sign to see if the price had come down since my gas was now being spiked with ethanol. What a joke! What made me think a gas company would dream of giving the consumer a break.

It appears I’m not the only person that’s miffed. Here’s an excerpt from Slow Food Waltz

Ethanol, isn’t it’s use supposed to lower gas prices? Huh??

Help me out someone, what am I missing here. I just noticed this Shell gas station uses 10 percent ethanol, but the gas prices are exactly the same as they are at other places. Will ethanol ever translate to a cost savings for the consumer??

Okay, so the price hasn’t come down. It’s still up there at $3.90 a gallon in my neck of the woods. To top that off, I recently purchased a fuel economy car, but now I’m getting less gas mileage. That’s a fact and I’m not the only one who’s noticed. See information from Punny Money.

It lowers fuel economy. That 10% ethanol being mixed into your gasoline might be helping to keep it 10 cents a gallon cheaper, but youโ€™re probably getting 10-30% fewer miles per gallon because of it. Since all the gas stations around here switched to a 10% ethanol blend, my gas mileage has dropped by about 15%!

What is going on? I understand it’s imperative that we cultivate some type of alternative fuel, but why am I suffering while the gas companies are reporting record-breaking profits? Oh yeah, I forgot–I don’t have a lobbyist. Drat!

So, it appears that you and I will be at the pumps more often, paying the same ridiculous prices. And I don’t expect to hear too much squawking from anyone because the change is couched in “alternative fuel” rhetoric. I suppose the media will somehow find a way to make it sound unpatriotic if anyone speaks out against it, too. What a racket!

Following my Chinese Zodiac articles? Year Of The SheepYear of the Monkey

9 thoughts on “10% Ethanol Added To Your Gas – Lovely!

  1. Pingback: 10% Ethanol Added To Your Gas - Lovely « Frances Ellen Speaks

  2. Brady

    Unfortunately the cost at the pump isn’t the only place Ethanol hits you. You can attribute a rising cost of anything that would normally eat the corn that was used to produce it: beef, milk, chicken, eggs, etc. Ethanol isn’t the answer, it’s just an alternate that can be profitable with government subsidization. I agree we need to find an alternative fuel source, and fast, but I do not like where our government is leading us.
    I was expecting something more along the lines of government grants to university and college programs designed to innovate new processes and expand on old ideas. It is quite unfortunate that we tread in this direction instead.

  3. Frances Ellen Post author

    I wholeheartedly agree. We’re in a huge mess. Too bad the government continues to wear blinders.

  4. frank androski

    i have two cars, both with 19 gal tanks
    am now getting 2orlessM.P.G.with 10 percent eth. simple math, 2×19=38 mpt less. 2x 4.oo gal=8.00
    so it now cost me 8.00 more to go the same distance. thanks

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