Category Archives: Family

Key West, Florida


If you make it to the southernmost point in the U.S., you’re in Key West.

Okay, there’s beaches. I didn’t realize I gravitate to beaches, but it appears I do, since many of my favorite places are near water. But there’s more to Key West.

And another thing,  a lot of notable people lived in Key West: President Harry Truman, Ernest Hemingway, John Audubon, Calvin Klein, Jimmy Buffett.

But for the moment, let’s dwell on doing the trip on a budget, because you can do lots of things here without breaking the bank. First of all, you must go and have your picture taken with the buoy (photo above). You can’t travel to the farthest southern end of the country without snapping a few pictures. Then walk a few blocks and find a restaurant serving some of the best fresh seafood in the land.

In the evening, go to Mallory Square for the best sunset in the land. It’s free, so take your time, stroll in and out of the shops, visit the open-air vendors, craft booths, stare at a mime or two, see the free entertainment that goes on all around the dock, and watch the general craziness that is Mallory at Sunset. Sip on a margarita while you drink in the fun. This celebration goes on every night and it never gets old.

Take a free visit to the cemetery. Yeah, I know it sounds nuts, but there are some very interesting markers and amusing inscriptions on the final resting places of the famous and not so famous former residents. The cemetery has been around since 1847. It’s a piece of history you won’t want to miss.

Now it’s time to take your wallet out, but it won’t cost much. If you’re a reader, you’ll want to tour Hemingway’s home. If you’re not a reader, you’ll happily settle for getting a peak at one of the six-toed cats that roam the grounds.  Make sure you stop in to Sloppy Joe’s bar, Hemingway’s favorite hangout.

If you’re not much for books, but like pirates, visit the largest, authentic collection of pirate artifacts at the Pirate Museum. Then stop in to the Rum Barrel restaurant next door for some grog.

You can fish, parasail and snorkel, all that stuff–but getting back to the beaches–they were a little disappointing when I visited. I think I may have gone to the wrong beach, so go here for a local’s advice on where to spend your time if you like to go to the beach.

If it’s tours you like, see Key West Tours.

For an island, Key West has lots more to experience, but you’ll have to go and find out for yourself. Above all else–it’s beautiful.

Cape May, NJ


Photo from

If you live anywhere on the east coast and you’re thinkin’ where can I go where the entire family will have a wow of a time without spending a boatload of money, look to the Jersey shore. For everything your heart could possibly desire, zero in on Cape May, New Jersey.

Here’s the lowdown. I could’nt say it better than Deb Schwabe

Cape May has a large variety of lodging ranging from hotels to bed and breakfasts, motels and beach house rentals. You’ll love the charming Victorian feel of the area. Another great feature of the area is the many great restaurants that feature everything from seafood and steaks to great burgers and pizza.

One of the unique features of this quiet town is the convenience to other areas. If you have kids, you’ll especially love that the popular Wildwood boardwalk is less than 10 minutes away. If you’re looking for a little gaming action, you’re less than an hours drive from Atlantic City. You’ll have the best of worlds, the quiet charm of Cape May, and a short drive to busier areas.

There’s much more Cape May information at Deb’s blog.

As for me, I have treasured memories of Cape May.

With the kids or without, Cape May won’t let you down. The beach is pristine. And instead of a boardwalk, it has a promenade that runs along the beach. After an afternoon at the beach, when the sun is waning, my daughters and I used to like to rent rollerblades and tour the quiet streets, ending up at our favorite burger and malt joint, or we’d stop at the local taco stand.

At night, a little more excitement was called for, so we drove up to Wildwood to ride the amusements and to drop in to our favorite waffle restaurant on the boardwalk.

If you’re an antique buff, Cape May holds its own special allure in that category. Isn’t it about time you created some new memories of your own? Trust me, Cape May is a good choice.

Washington, DC


Photo from The DC Traveler

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, with the economy in the doldrums, you should consider a staycation–one where you stay in the U.S. and spend your vacation dollars at home. A perfect city to visit is Washington, DC. Most of the tourist spots are free. It doesn’t get better than free. And it’s wonderful on the Fourth of July.

I haven’t been to Washington in the last decade, but as I recall the only thing that was pricey was the hotel. So, I opted to stay in Virginia, eat dinners in Virginia, but hop over to Washington during the day to visit the monuments, museums, and other tourist spots. And if you like zoos, plan to spend an entire day at the National Zoo. I loved it.

Following are a few Washington experiences shared on the web by folks who have visited more recently. First go to Shoutouts About Sites Worth a Visit

I’m not kidding. There’s something for everyone. There’s even a Spy Museum. Here’s what Erin from Mom’s Resource Blog shared about this interesting museum.

… go to the International Spy Museum. In a city full of spies, or so claims this private museum, this is a intriuging look at national and international espionage and spying.  CIA.  KGB.  The Cold War.  Domestic terrorists.  Who makes a good spy?  A great liar.  Someone who can convincingly change his or her appearance,  adapt a new way of acting and behaving, and stay in character at all times. And is ruthless too.  As technology advances, the tools of the trade get smaller: pens that are deadly weapons, eyeglasses that can record and magnify, and now micro-sized listening devices and cameras that can be placed nearly invisibly almost anywhere.  After you leave this museum, expect to walk around paranoid for at least several hours.  Somehow you feel that everyone walking on the streets is now a spy and that your hotel room is bugged too.

And I would be remiss if I didn’t pass on this honest and heartfelt glimpse of Washington to you from Liisa’s New Blahhg

The Lincoln is what you’d expect — grand, thoughtful, still full of the voice of Martin Luther King, Jr., a challenge to all to be our best.

The VVM Wall is forever powerful. Those names go on forever, overwhelming your brain with their sadness. This memorial manages to be respectful to the soldiers who fought in Viet Nam while showing how pointless the entire endeavor was. Next to the Wall are two groups of statues: a tribute to soldiers called The Three Servicemen, and a tribute to women who served in Viet Nam. Both are moving in their own way.

World War II Monument is, frankly, boring. A giant plaza with waterfalls and cement wreaths, it screams “We Won!” I didn’t get a sense of the war, the soldiers, or anything.

The best part of the Jefferson Memorial is the little museum underneath. We ended up being more interested in the statue of George Mason that sits about 1/4 mile away.

How do you build a memorial to FDR? You take 40 years and half a dozen artists, and you make it HUGE. This isn’t a memorial, it’s an installation. I forgot to take photos while we were there (for an hour!), but I’m not even sure you could capture it in photos. The entire installation is divided into 4 sections, one for each term he served. The first focuses on the Depression, with statues of men in bread lines and starving farmers that could have come right out of Dorothea Lange‘s photos. The second section covers the New Deal, with all its components, organizations and work, work, work. The third section focuses on the decision to go to war, and poses the question, “How do you fight fascism if you hate war?” The last section covers FDR’s passing and the legacy he left behind, including some of Eleanor’s work. Some memorials hit you over the head with their message; this piece is meant to be explored, decoded, deciphered. A true work of art. Shanti and I both loved it and felt its relevance for today.

We saved the best for last, though: the Korean War Memorial at night. The KWM is comprised of a group of soldiers moving in formation from trees into the open. Along their right is a granite wall etched with photos of those who served. At night, the soldiers are lit from the ground and appear as ghosts from the past, destined to make the same maneuvers over and over. This is a moving tribute to the people who served. No comments on the war or on war in general, just a tribute to those who went.

The Capitol is worth a visit.

Happiness Or Unhappiness?

One evening a Cherokee elder told his grandson about the battle that goes on inside people’s heads.  He said, “My son, the battle is between the two ‘wolves’ that live inside us all.  One is Unhappiness. It is fear, worry, anger, jealousy, sorrow, self-pity, resentment and inferiority.  The other is Happiness. It is joy, love, hope, serenity, kindness, generosity, truth and compassion.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf wins?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

Someone sent this story to me months ago. I liked it so much, I thought I would share.

Tea Tree Oil – Who Knew?

I was cleaning out the medicine cabinet last week (something everyone should do every six months, at least). Anyway, I found a bottle of Tea Tree Oil. I had no idea what the oil is used for and it took me a few minutes to recall why I bought it in the first place.

Two summers ago, I got bit up pretty bad by sand flies while sitting on the beach. The pesky bites got red and itched like crazy. My friend suggested I purchase tea tree oil from the natural foods store, which happened to be down the street from our Inn. I did, it didn’t help the bites.

So, as I said, last week I was holding this bottle of oil in my hand, no expiration date, and I’m wondering what to do with it. What do other people use it for? So, here are some suggestions from Tree Hugger:

Farewell, Mustiness
I just liberated a bunch of belongings from storage this week. They needed some help airing out. Since green dry cleaners can be hard to find, it’s nice to have a safe way to freshen up fabrics. For things like decorative pillows and curtains that can’t be laundered, a spray bottle with two cups of water and two tablespoons of tea tree oil works wonders. Spray the stale-smelling area and leave it. Within a few days, both the musty scent and the tea tree smell will be gone. I’ve also done this a few days before packing a suit case that’s been out of use for months.

Heal, You Abrasion
When I was unloading a box from the storage unit, I scraped my hand. A direct application of the oil helps heal and disinfect.

Stay Fresh, Mouth
A drop of tea tree oil in a glass of water makes a good mouth wash. You can also gargle it to help fend off illness. Just be sure not to swallow.

Don’t Offend, Feet
I like my shoes to last a long time, and I like to go sockless. To keep the shoes’ insides fresh, I often rub some oil on my feet before subjecting them to a day of oxygenless urban traipsing. Definitely beats using scary aerosol sprays.

Though it’s a wildly helpful substance, you want to keep tea tree oil away from the kids and, again, avoid swallowing it.

Interesting, huh!

My Job Was Eliminated

I have been eliminated–not laid off with the hope of being rehired. No, I am an eliminated entity. That’s like erasing all the writing from a chalkboard with one sweep of an eraser. One minute there’s something there; the next minute it’s gone.

The thing is, one doesn’t know what to do with oneself when the alarm doesn’t go off. I remember all those mornings when that annoying alarm sounded and all I wanted to do was catch another 20 minutes of sleep. Now, for some reason, I don’t crave the sleep. I get up like always, but I have no place to go.

After several days of thinking and analyzing and speaking to my family, I have decided to move in with my daughter. We will be three generations in one house. That has spawned much discussion among my friends and acquaintances.

Many families, not just mine, are merging together out of necessity. I didn’t realize that while I was still employed, but it appears families are circling the wagons. They have run out of other choices.

In some instances, it is a good thing. My ophthalmologist has opened his doors once again to his son, and his nephew, too, is having a hard time finding another job. He is expecting to find him on his doorstep any day now, as well. However, he welcomes the opportunity to help both boys through this crisis and believes he will come to know each of them a little better because as he puts it, ” I only know the boys as they once were, not as the adults they have become.”

I think my decision to join my family will also be a good one, but I know there are many family situations that are not conducive to combining generations in one home.

I just had a discussion with a friend five minutes ago, while I was writing this post as a matter of fact, who is not looking forward to what the near future has in store for her. Her mother-in law and brother-in-law are preparing to move into her home. She is forced to give up space that she worked hard to create for herself and her husband over the years. That may not sound like much, but it’s huge. Furniture put into storage to make room for other furniture being moved in. Drapes to be hung in a sun room that will now be used as a bedroom, no longer a place of refuge. She views this turn of events as an end of her peace and comfort, something she craves when she comes home from work. The fact that she is forced to give all of this over to people she doesn’t particularly care for, but who she is obligated to help in their time of need, makes it all the more an enormous struggle. Yet, she will do it because she loves her husband.

I think depression will be the likely result for those who are forced to join together and make unwanted and unforeseen changes in their lives. What a pity. What to do? What to do?

10 Great U.S. Cities to Visit

For the past few months, in an effort to encourage travel within the United States, I’ve been writing about cities I have enjoyed while on vacation.

This year in particular, it’s a good idea to spend your vacation dollars right here in the good old U.S.A.

Have fun, while stimulating our economy.

  1. Niagara Falls, NY
  2. Grand Canyon, AZ
  3. San Antonio, TX
  4. Philadelphia, PA
  5. New Orleans, LA
  6. New York, NY
  7. Memphis, TN
  8. Orlando, FL
  9. San Francisco, CA
  10. Savannah, GA

This is my short list of favs. I’ll share some more with you in the near future. If you have a favorite that is not included in my list, please let me know. I’ll try to add yours to my next list.

Savannah, Georgia


Oglethorpe Square

If you’re looking for southern hospitality, try Savannah, Georgia. On the menu–candy for the eyes. It is chock full of quaint B&Bs, but the main attraction is its charming 22 park squares that are situated throughout the historic district of the city.  Surrounding many of the squares are historic homes and museums.

I found the best way to get acquainted with Savannah was to take the Hop On & Off Trolley Tour. You can spend your entire first day in the city using this trolley. It stops at most of the historic homes that are open to visitors, and if you’re a Girl Scout, you won’t want to miss the Julliette Gordon Lowe House (founder of the Girl Scouts of America). The trolley picks you up at your hotel or B&B, and then it stops every 20 minutes and runs all day until 4:30 p.m. That means if you get off to stroll a museum, or eat lunch, or just sit on a bench at one of the squares, you never wait for the trolley for more than 20 minutes. Excellent!

Be sure to walk along the river where you will find lovely boutiques, antique shops and restaurants. And you’ll also see Florence, the Waving Girl.

Speaking of girls, if you’ve read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, or if you just like visiting cemeteries (and believe it or not, many people love traipsing through an old cemetery), then you won’t want to miss Bird Girl.

Now that I have finished this post, it appears I’ve written a lot about girls: Girl Scouts, Waving Girl and Bird Girl. But Savannah is so much more. Go see for yourself. And if you’ve already been there, feel free to add a comment and let me know what you found exciting or beautiful about the city, because I plan to go back some day.

San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge

When I travel I like to visit places I have read about in a book or magazine. I become the ultimate tourist. My intent is to take the words off the page and experience them in real life. San Francisco is a prime destination where you can do just that.

For one thing, a lot of stuff you’ve read about is within walking distance of each other. You can visit the sea lions, listen to their loud grunting, and watch them splash and play off the end of Pier 39. Other things the Pier has to offer: a marketplace, restaurants, street performers and loads of shops.

You won’t want to miss Fisherman’s Wharf. It’s only one or two blocks away from Pier 39 and the walk along the Bay is lovely. You’ll see picture perfect views of the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz. Just seeing the Golden Gate Bridge will give you a warm, fuzzy feeling. It’s a man-made phenomenon.

Tours. You want to take a tour? There are all sorts of tours: Seqway Tours, Motorcoach Tours, Bay Cruise Tours, Double Decker Trolley Tours, Culinary Tours, Alcatraz Tours, Submarine Tours, Chinatown Tours and Ride the Duck Tours. If you can dream it up–San Francisco’s got it.

So, right about now, you’re wondering how you can ride a duck, aren’t you? Well, the Duck is a W.W. II style amphibious landing vehicle, so you tour the city by land and by sea. Pretty neat.

Of course, you can’t visit San Francisco without riding a cable car or trolley. They’re everywhere. Hop on.

And by all means, never visit a city without sampling the local cuisine. In San Francisco, the sour dough bread is not to be missed. Make sure you eat some in every restaurant you visit, because you’ll never taste anything like it ever again (unless you go back to San Fran).

If you’re traveling with the kids, there’s an aquarium at the bay and a carousel smack dab in the middle of Pier 39. The kids will also love the live entertainment and the street performers.

San Francisco has all the other things you’d expect to find in a big city: museums, theater, opera, symphony orchestra and sports.

It’s all good!

Orlando, Florida

Orlando By Night

Continuing on with fun cities to visit in the United States. Try Orlando, Florida.

Yeah, you already know it’s about Disney, Universal and Sea World. That’s all good, but it is also about nightlife downtown and restaurants galore. One of my favorite restaurants is Vito’s Chop House on International Drive, a steak house with an Italian flair. But that’s only one of many delightful places to dine.

I’d venture to say no matter when you visit, you’ll always be able to find a live concert to attend. There are great venues: Amway Arena, House of Blues, and Hard Rock Live, to name a few.

If you prefer golf, look no further. While the kids are at Universal for the day, you can pick up your clubs and head for any of the Grand Cypress Resort’s Courses, Bay Hill, Shingle Creek or the Hunter’s Creek Golf Course. Again, this is a partial list. There are many more.

If the kids want to see something a little more off the beaten path, try Gatorland or Wet & Wild or Silver Spurs Rodeo.

Most visitors to Orlando aren’t usually looking for cultural pursuits, but if you’re happiest at the theatre, you’ll be pleased to know Orlando hosts a ballet company, opera company, a philharmonic orchestra, a lineup of live plays and it even has a thriving Shakespeare Theatre.

For sports, there’s always the Magic and if you visit at the right time of year, you can see the Citrus Bowl Parade, which kicks off another exciting Citrus Bowl Game.

Gosh, what more could you want?