Author Archives: Frances Ellen

Bowling – The Pin Boy

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Well, it’s official. I’m really, really old! Yesterday I had to explain what a pin boy was. This “back in the day” knowledge of mine rushes in and sometimes startles me. I can’t believe how much the world has changed since I entered it.

Anyway, for those who lack my firsthand knowledge–The pin boy’s job was to set the bowling pins up after they’d been knocked down. Each boy covered four or five lanes and on a busy night, you sometimes had to wait for him to reset your lane. He was also in charge of clearing downed pins if they tipped over and stayed in the playing field.

There were no electric contraptions coming down to pick up and swish the pins backward. Everything was done by muscle. Oh, and the pin boy had to place the bowling ball in the chute to return it to the player, too.

It may not sound like it, but being a pin boy was a pretty good job. Several kids I knew held the job and loved it, except for the times they got hit in the ankle by a flying pin or bowling ball. But they had elevated steps to stand on located between the lanes, so an experienced pin boy hardly ever got hit unless he was caught off-guard moving from one lane to another. Then the players would hear him scream, “ouch.”

Jeez. Now that I think about it,  I can remember when the guts of a computer took up an entire room…but that’s another “back in the day” story.

NCIS: Los Angeles

Why aren’t more people watching NCIS: Los Angeles? It’s lead-in, the original NCIS, is always one of the top ten programs, yet Los Angeles doesn’t rollover the entire audience. I wonder why?

I love both shows.

When NCIS: Los Angeles first came onboard, I thought it would never be as good as the original, but it easily holds its own. And it has a star power line-up.

If you’re not watching, you should be.

My Favorite Healthy Breakfast

Try this. It fills you up until it’s time for lunch.

Spread peanut butter on 2 lightly salted rice cakes. Slice a banana and lay the slices on top of the peanut butter.  Quick! Easy! Nutritious! Superb!

Remember to eat slow and chew well. It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to send a message to your brain that says, “Good! My stomach is full. You can stop eating now.”

And as far as that message that announces your stomach is full? Try listening to it when you’re half-way through a meal–any meal. You sometimes find that you don’t really want to clean your plate. Save what you don’t eat for a snack later in the day (when the message you’re receiving says, “I’m hungry. I need food and I need it now!”)

Dr. Who – New Who – Who Knew?

Photo from

Just thought I’d take a trip down memory lane. I’ve been watching “The Doctor” take off on new adventures in the Tardis since the 70’s. Back then Tom Baker was the Time Lord. His scarf was a bit off the wall, but it matched his personality.

For the last couple of years I enjoyed David Tennant, a totally different type of Doctor, but still endearing. Now he’s gone. He has regenerated into a new Dr. Who.

Meet the new Dr. Who – Matt Smith. Who knew a TV series could go on this long! Believe it or not, Matt’s the 11th Doctor. He brings something new to the role, but he’s still Dr. Who, the smartest Time Traveler in the Universe.

Dieting – I Miss Dessert

What to do? What to do? I miss my sweets.

I thought I’d be well over my need for sweets after trying to watch my diet for a few weeks. But the truth is, even if you stop eating cake and pie and cookies, etc., there’s so much sugar and sucrose and every other kind of sweetener in most of the other foods we eat that it’s impossible to stay away from sugar.

I used to be able to cut out sweets pretty easily. After a week or so, the craving disappears. No more. Sugar has invaded most everything we eat nowadays. This is my new solution.

After I eat dinner, I allow myself to eat a piece of hard candy. Sometimes I sit back and have a coffee flavored one. That’s almost as good as having a cup of coffee and a piece of cake.

Othertimes, I pop in a root beer barrel or some other taste treat I like. So far, it’s working.

Justified on FX

Photo from poptower

Is anyone looking at Justified? Normally I don’t go in for loads of violence, but this show gets a pass because the dialogue is so good, the writing is meaty and Timothy Olyphant, as the badass Marshal, is superb. His Kentucky accent is dreamy, yet tough. How does he do that?!

Don’t miss this one. It’s different. And it’s not too late to start watching. So far, very little back-story has been revealed.

Trust me on this one. It’s in my top five this season. Tuesdays at 10:00 p..m.

A Fabulous Diet Tip–Potato Chips

I love potato chips. However, whenever I pig out on them, I usually go on one of my guilt trips. Here’s a way to avoid some of the calories, and stop beating up on yourself.

Buy a large bag of potato chips. Buy a box of ziploc bags (sandwich size).

Empty the entire bag of chips onto your clean kitchen counter. Now read the potato chip bag. How many servings does the bag hold? My bag had 10 servings and each serving equaled 130 calories.

I wanted to keep my snacking to 100 calories. So, I separated the chips into 12 servings instead of 10 and put each serving into a ziploc bag. You’ll be surprised how many chips are in a 100 calorie serving–certainly enough to fill the salty  pangs of hunger.

Carefully place the small bags of chips back into the large bag. You’re good to go.

Try it.

“Castle” Will Be Back!

A third season has been announced for ABC’s Castle.

This has become one of my favorite shows—-no thanks to the dumb title. I missed the entire first season because the title is so bland.

The chemistry between the two main characters is delicious, and the entire supporting cast is superb.

Once the reruns kick in, I hope to catch some of the episodes I missed.

For more about Castle see Tawny Weber and Jeff Hidek.

Late Night Diet Snack

I like to watch TV in the evening and snack. It’s a habit I’m trying to break. But I’m not always successful. That doesn’t mean I’m not watchful.

The trick is to eat something that will fill up the void and the time. One way to accomplish this is to eat something frozen. That way you’re forced to eat it slow or suffer a brain freeze.

This is my favorite–1/2 cup of frozen blueberries with a big dollop of ReddiWip whipped cream. It takes a while to eat the berries because they’re little, bitty pieces of sweet ice.

I’ll tell you my secret. I eat them right out of my measuring cup. And this tasty snack topped with whipped cream equals 55 calories.

If you’re still hungry after that, pop one of those 100 calorie mini bags of popcorn. That ought to do it. Nighty night.

FlashForward Is Back

Does the premise of FlashForward grab your attention? There’s nothing else like it on TV. I’m glad it returned for another season.

My hope is that it won’t take the same path that other extraordinary series have —  like Lost and Heroes. I loved the first two seasons of both these series, but then the story lines became so convoluted that it became exasperating trying to keep up with all the twists and turns. I finally gave up on both of them.

I’m hoping that FlashForward doesn’t drift slowly off the grid. It has enough plot complications already. But it answered a lot of questions in its season premiere, “Revolation Zero.” So, if you’re not watching, tune in.

rob will review agrees. The show is worth a look-see. Mysteries remain, but crucial information has also been revealed.

If this show doesn’t try to get too cerebral, we could be in for quite a ride.